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What are the eligibility criteria for your Landlord Insurance cover?


To be eligible to take our our Landlord's Insurance we ask that the property in question:

  • Is a residential property in the UK
  • Is let under a tenancy agreement directly between yourself/your letting agent and your tenants
  • Is occupied by no more than 6 individual tenants
  • Is not a bedsit or divided into individual self-contained units
  • Shows no signs of, and has never had any damage caused by landslip, subsidence or heave
  • Has not been flooded in the past 10 years

We also require that you, or any member of your family living with you:

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Are occupying the property solely for residential purposes
  • Have not had insurance cancelled, declined or declared void
  • Declare any previous insurance claims in the last 5 years
  • Have not been convicted of any criminal offences, other than motoring convictions, or any offences which are covered under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 is a property marketplace that allows agents and individuals to list their homes to let and for sale for free. All landlords are verified to ensure that they own the property they are advertising with us.

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